Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dare Devil and a Busted Lip

So we made it all the way to WV and back safely. The night we return, A decides to ride his tonka riding toy off the landing in the living room. He has a big purple busted lip. He took it like a champ though! I took a picture last night and will try to upload it sometime tonight for you to see.

Other than that, all is well with us. We had a great time in WV and we are both exhausted from the trip. A's late night rendezvous at my mom's house have caught up with him now that we are unable to sleep in until 10am every day. Oh well... what are vacations for?

I know we were only gone for 10 days, but I feel like I came home with a different child than I left with. And I"m not just talking about the fact that he is more spoiled after 10 days with his GiGi and aunts. He is climbing more, talking more, giving more kisses (if that is possible) and throwing fewer temper tantrums!

I feel like we have a slight improvement in the biting arena. Now when he is mad at me, instead of trying to bite me, he'll lean down and bite his shirt, the couch, his beloved giraffe or even himself. At times it is funny and I have to turn away so he doesn't see me laugh, but at least he is moving away from human objects (other than himself)! I am not encouraging self-mutilation, but maybe if he keeps biting himself in these fits of anger, he will realize that it hurts and stop doing it to others.

OK, I have to get back to work. Its so hard to focus after vacation.

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